Friday, 24 August 2012

Friday Sharing w/You - 2012 August 24

Friday, August 24
If you are bored today, it is not my fault. Most probably you see your boss more than your spouse or children. So just sit back, relax &  have a cup of fresh water from the tap to refresh yourself and enjoy my Friday Sharing w/You.  By the way, talking about tap water; do you know that it is unwise to buy bottled water in Singapore where fresh water are everywhere?  Wherever you go just bring along recycle bottle and if there is a toilet, there is fresh water.  A DOLLAR SAVED, IS A DOLLAR EARNED.  One more thing we shouldn’t do is flushing fresh water in the toilet bowl. This, we have little choice because we are still stuck with a 200 years old system.  We can explore further to save more fresh water.
Make everyday your FRIDAY, so that every day is a
If you are convinced that life must be serious and work is boring then fun will lighten your load and add joy to your work day. Playfulness is a foreign language to many managers but it can be easily relearn once they understand that the health and wealth of the company depend on FUN.
A reflection a day keeps the doctor away. Someone said “An apple a day took Steve Jobs away.”  At the end of the working day, ask what actions have you taken to make yourself happier? If not , refer back to my first paragraph “ If today you are bored it is not my fault”
Make every day your Friday, a feeling of enthusiasm to have new and creative ideas to make your boss successful.  Believe me,  you are employed to make your boss to achieve success the rests are secondary. Making your boss successful is not an apple-polishing technique or SQQDC (Safety, Quick! Quick!, Delivery & Cost)
Dress sexy -day
Make every day your Friday, so that you can dress sexy and tell your boss to toss the dress code out of the window. Sexy make my day.
Make every day your Friday, once you wake-up be as adventurous as FSY:
Future-Focused – Look back on the last 5 years what have you done or what is missing? Then future focus into the next 5 years.
Search & research – The  word ‘research’ comes from you, not the scientists or R&D professionals.  If you are a parent, you will be able to recall this situation when your child was searching for something and when they can’t find it,  they came looking for you. You will say to them “go back to your room and research again …… that is how the word started. We do research every day, sometime it is a non-value activity because we misplaced things. Be the adventurous side of the research that  adds value.
You start the day by reading for 2 hours as brain exercise is just equally important than legs exercise.
Make every day your Friday – So that you work less and enjoy life more.  You don’t need to work the half day (12-hours) that you are currently working. You  just need to work a quarter of the day like me and enjoy life or make more babies for Singapore (which you are bombarded daily).
People told me, Daniel what you have mentioned above will only happens “In your dream”…….. Yes, thing always happens in the dream and the statement is very true. That is why I have said “We never do things right the first time, we do most things correct the second time. The first time is in the dream “
My company logo represented a Forward, Successfully & Younique Business & Management Consultancy.  If you sit back, take a slow deep breath, hold your breath & stare at my company logo. You will have the same feeling like me.  You enter into the battle field, (the green square) you Fight Strong (FS) and put in Quality Work and the “Y”  Yearning outward for Quality life . That is the interpretation of my company logo “FSY Qualipreneur” – Instilling Quality in Business and achieving Quality Work; Quality Life
There are 52 Fridays a year, try to create one fun activity each Friday and share with me.
For a start – take the afternoon off, go for walk with your team to a nature park near your work place.  My ex-colleagues in China, Shekou, in the afternoon go for your nature walk @ the ’Blue’ mountain……… By the time you finished reading, I am up at the highest peak of Singapore, Bukit Timah Hill.   

Stay tuned for many more Fun-ridays to come…

Friday, 17 August 2012

Friday Sharing w/You - 2012 August 17

Friday, August 17
After almost eight months, I am still haunted by many of you to provide the answer on the brain teaser that I posted.

It is just a coincidence or I purposely choose today to share my imagination answer with you because it has the Hungry Ghost affect.
Although today is the 1st day of the hungry ghost month, it is still an auspicious day to do many things together, but you must be back home before mid-night, Your parent superstitious tell you it is ominous to be outside after midnight during this month – because you might meet some lost friends and or someone  (see my answer below) or  you might lost something on the way home, because  fearfully you  imagine someone following you, and in a rush, oops!, you drop one of your shoe, and as the story was told you go door-to-door to search for it…… but today, you might forget about it because we are in ‘BATA’ mentality (buy-and-throw-away) or if you die-die must find it, you can post the other half  on social-media to search for it – see any ‘sotong’ feedback to you.
Here is my imagination answer:
This is my answer, I did it in 5 as instructed. So, what are you thinking now?  Headless ghost or… The important thing is not what your eyes want to see. It is the thinking behind the thinking or the question behind the question. The correct answer is already there, you don’t need FSYQualipreneur to give you.
Sometimes it’s good to lose yourself in order to find yourself again.  If you are unable to find me is okay. With the social media platform we are always connected. So please drop by more often to visit me. And also you do not need to have a Facebook account to visit my Facebook, just click the Facebook icon  at the bottom right side . You will see more funny-bone stuffs I shared. It is better to have a Facebook acoount than you will be able drop into my private Facebook ‘Qualipreneur Foo”  where I share more learning stuffs with friends not public.
Visited by photo gallery, I will be adding more pictures.
Dare to do something different.
Are you aware that my name was on the football stadium in the London Olympic.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Friday Sharing w/You - 2012 August 10

Friday, August 10
Home makes Japanese Rice Chicken Patty Burger, better than Most Burger. Simple to make, healthy & quality home cook food.

Now there are 2 Entrepreneurs in my family, one is the world famous Qualipeneur, who want to instil quality in business. The other is Yummypreneur – she want to instil yummy food into your stomach. We are calling this Japanese Rice chicken patty burger “Mummy Burger” You can place your order once my website is ready. And the fun part is that you collect yourself at my SOHO, only on Saturday from 2-4pm.
My new toy that make Fresh Dry Quality Food.
I am the lucky one, with a  wife always supporting behind me, and make simple yummy  food for me

If you wonder why mimi (my wife) & meme (is me) are so great of a couple – the secret is we do everything together in the trench, we study, observe, argue, explore, expand, discover and @55 we still do things differently – taking our wedding pictures again…
I change the old adage a little bit to make it measureable – ‘Ren Sheng Duan Duan Yi Bai Nian’  人 生 短 短 一 百 年
In my quality workshop, I teaches that everything we do must be measureable otherwise there is no value in doing do it – To achieve Quality Work; Quality Life you have to stop doing things that is not measurable.   Quality work, Quality life or Quality food all are measurable – ‘ABUDEN’ !!!
Make full use of your time here, only 100 years….. Very, very short.  I left half to go…
Don’t think different, instead doing something different.
Stay tuned for many more to come…

Friday, 3 August 2012

Friday Sharing w/You - 2012 August 3

Friday, August 3
Hello Friends/PengYiu,
It’s been a long 7 months, traveling, holidays and a bit lazy… Is Friday, taking a break to update my New Quality Journey.
I hope to use my website to make the boring quality management subject more glamorous through my funny-bone &bees website. I hope you like my little bees it was designed by my artistic son, and he also designed my companylogo.
My company logo represented a Forward, Successfully & Yearning Business & Management Consultancy. If you sit back, take a slow deep breathe, hold your breath & stare at my company logo, you will have the same feeling like me. You enter in the battle field, (the greensquare) you Fight Strong (FS) and put in Quality Work and the “Y” Yearning outward for Quality life .That is the interpretation of my company logo “FSY Qualipreneur” – instilling Quality in Business and achieving Quality Work; Quality Life/
The Quality Series page will be my new QJ – (Quality Journey) that I hope will able to inspire more young, mature or stubborn minds to embrace the quality discipline. My goal is that everyone should be able to achieve Quality Work; Quality Life. For those who know me, I seldom reinvent the wheel in my Quality & HSE improvement approach; my trademark is Always Copy Shamelessly. Give you an example on how I copied shamelessly. If you are a Singaporean, you are damn lucky, you have CPF fund. That is you have an ordinary fund, a special fund and a medisave fund. I copy the same method for my personal financial approach. I also have CPF Funds.
“C”ommitment fund – save and die, die never touch it even raining day, if you need money borrow from friends (zero interest) and you draw it out @55 & go holiday like me.
“P”rofit Funds – do a bit of investment buy gold bar.
“F”uck–It Fund – when the environment is tough you can do something with it. (I am not dirty to use this word, just sexy)
Since people like my devil advocate Friday sharing. I have included it in my website. I hope to use this page to challenge liked–minded people on subjects that people in the corporate jungle said, Daniel is too sexy to discuss, now I can.
For a Start: On the Quality Journey
Every manager has enough quality input, but the output is a major issue in most of their organization systems, processes or people, (the so call internal customer).Why? Because most company still can effort to throw away 15%–20% of their profit to waste. We should be able to save this wasteful money if we put our hands together to does it get right the 2nd time. First things first, we have to cut down on usage of meaningless clichés to improve quality – such as; Dothings right the first time; we have internal & external customers, etc. By–the–way,it is hard to believe that I am saying “We never do things right the first time, we do thing right the 2nd time” Also, we don’t have internal customer. Consultants always used this meaningless clichés that you have internal & external customers. If you follow the consultants advice that you have internal customers, you will not able to sustain a quality culture because internal customer is one of your major constraint & also one of the many root causes that when the time is bad is okay to lay off thousands of them.
For a Start: On the safety Journey
You heard many managers use meaningless clichés, the most common one is – “Safety First”. Managers who shouted and displayed safety first slogan are the one who have the most injuries in their work area. Safety is never first, you can’t priority safety. In business our first priority is to make more money, not safety, otherwise you are fire.
I am going to be a DEVILadvocate in my new QJ series. At the end of the day if nothing go RIGHT… I just turn LEFT and hide in my SOHO…no want can shoot me now !……..and I can laugh out loud ….yeeha,
You can visit me in my Facebook – “Qualipreneur Foo” Nowadays, I kind like the Facebook, because once a while I meet my ex–colleagues in the Facebook (company banned Facebook, but most of their employees are in Facebook, what a joke)…………. By–the–way, Facebook makes the evening lively.
If somewhere my grammar don’t read correctly, kindly rephrase for me, we learn together. I learned that consultant don’t need good English,they need to provide BS. (Better Service, not the “BS” you are thinking…yeeha)
I sell the gaps that is missing in–between home to work, vice versa
Give me your feedback, till today is a gift for me to change and grow.
Something Amazing is coming… New-QJ (Quality Journey) -
Old System, New Demand