Wednesday, 31 January 2018

My 20i8 Resolution

My 20i8 Resolution is to go back to the corporate world to work in the area of Facilitating, Training or Teaching.

If you come across any “lobang” please keep me in touch at

If there is a section that requires me to Make My Short Story Pitch,

Here is my short story:

Interestingly, I am a certified trainer in Malaysia but after so many years of facilitating, training and teaching, I am not yet a certified trainer or an Adult Educator in Singapore. Maybe I was from the old school of the ‘Train-The-Trainer’ era that is obsoleted.

With that in mind I enrolled to upgrade myself for the WSQ Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTAv5) and completed the course, and now I am a certified Adult Educator (Trainer) in Singapore.

Now the old school & the new school merged in me and I am equipped to deliver training and conduct assessment as well as meet the training needs of people in a technological age.

About FSY & Qualipreneur:

A Qualipreneur is a person who eats, talks, walks, sleeps and dreams Quality, and his blood is “Q“. He is a Mover, Shaker and an Enabler, who utilizes resources to Make More Money for all parties in the organization

To know me better…