Friday, 12 October 2018

Nostalgia Emotional Feeling of People’s Park Complex

Nostalgia Emotional Feeling of People’s Park Complex

Whenever I go to Chinatown, automatically the nostalgia emotional feeling towards People Park Complex emerges within me.

Remembering how my apprenticeship working journey started. Because of my creative nature, my boss takes me along with him to install metal grilles in factories and HDB flats around Singapore.

I also remember having installed those metal grilles in one of the penthouse units of this particular building.  The People’s Park Complex

This was where my work life journey began working as an apprentice in a metal fabrication company at the age of 14. During that era, there's no such thing as underage worker. This company was just besides my kampung house. If my memories served me correctly, it was in 1972 at the age of 16 that I was given this installation of the metal grill project!

In Singapore, old is not gold more or less instead it is ugly and time to tear down making ways for new developments thus in turns more money!

Tearing it down means we have nothing to reminisce about the past.

How do I tell my grandchildren about what their grandpa has done this and that or been there?!

A city Future is built literally on its past