Every Story I Share is my own Story
Monday, 16 December 2019
Monday, 11 November 2019
Do you know the secret of a Quality sleep?
Do you know the secret of a Quality sleep?
A good mattress is just part of it, the other factor is no one can advise you and even your mattress seller doesn't know about it!
Let #fsyqualipreneur share with you the secret of a Quality sleep.
You see from the surface; I am sleeping on a king-size mattress bed. (Maybe I behave like a Monkey God so king-size it is!)
Every individual sleeping patterns & body movements differ from our partners which in my case, she is my exgirlfriend.
Even you bought a hard firm mattress or numerous heavy springs inside your designer mattress vouched; but,
whenever your partner tosses and turn it will kind of affect your sleep in one way or another.
It will be more crucial if you happened to be a light sleeper! You will feel similar movements whenever your partner is doing the tossing and turning.
Want to know the secret?
The answer lies under my mattress cover!
Hold on...it is in my next picture.
You can disagree to agree with me because you are entitled to your own opinion. Hence, I do know that haters hate my idea but they tend to motivate me. However, I also know that there are "lovers" out there who like my idea and always supported me!
2 single king size mattress is the secret to FSYQuality Sleep
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Haiku Poems FSY
Haiku Poems FSY
(Japanese Poem)
(F) First Things First Calm Down
(S) Staying that way all day long (Y*) You can be mindful
You can pen your only Haiku, Janapese poem
Below is how to pen your Haiku Poem (or you can Google)
Haikus follow a strict form of
three lines, with a 5-7-5 syllable structure.
That means the first line will have five (5)syllables,
the second line will have seven (7)syllables, and
the last line will have five (5)syllables.
Enjoy a slient moment to pen your own Haiku Poem.
Good morning to you
By the way
I love
(F) Fried rice with
(S) Spam &
(Y) Yeeha with eggs

Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Pictures Story - Power come with Authority & FSY Quotes
Pictures Stories
Every Story I Share is my own Story
Take a picture; digest it and understand it from different angle point of view then try to form your own opinion.
Power come with Authority
Even at the lowest rank of the workforces, they also have power & authority too!
The power and authority that these aunties have over you are when she is affirmative on her 7 am sharp schedule means they will not distribute the free Newspapers.
You want free Newspapers then queue and wait in line till your turn.
I have a question -
Whose timing schedule does she based on?
Did her boss teaches the +/- 3 minutes strategy to her? Probably not; or it will be a better and happier society.
In life, there are certain tolerances that we have to live with -
In our society (society norm), we need zero tolerance on drug trafficking.
Workplace tolerances
1, Verbal warning, recorded.
2, Verbal warning recorded and signatory.
3, Letter of Wisdom.
4, Enough is enough!
5 You are fired!
Singapore tolerances
Is a "fine" city!
Products Specification and Processes Management Tolerances
We have +/- , Statistical Process Control (SPC),
Six Sigma tool of 9.99999 (Bell Curve) & etc
Girlfriend to marriage relationship, we too have tolerance on this issue.
For the girlfriend to marries tolerances, I always use Statistical Process Control Tools (SPC) to explain.... Oops!!! Not Sharing here, keep it for another day another story.
I got 63 years of good old Quality stories to share.
Haiku Poem (Japanese Poem)
Haiku Poem (Japanese Poem)
(F) First Things First Calm Down
(S) Staying that way all day long
(Y*) You can be mindful
You can pen your only Haiku, Janapese poem
Below is how to pen your Haiku Poem (or you can Google)
Haikus follow a strict form of
three lines, with a 5-7-5 syllable structure.
That means the first line will have five syllables,
the second line will have seven syllables, and
the last line will have five syllables.
Enjoy a slient moment to pen your own Haiku Poem.
Another Haiku Poem (Japanese Poem)
Thursday, 17 October 2019
My Eldest Daughter sum it up - My Parents’ marriage and mine
Friday, December 5, 2014
Happy Friday 
I hope this week was a wonderful one
My Parents’ marriage and mine
They live forever happily thereafter…that is usually what most fairy tale stories that Disney World projected to us. This particular fairy tale story gives me a false expectation that will be high calling for me because my temper is too short and also my patience level is simply too low.
Do I blame my parents unrealistic expectations of LOVE and MARRIAGE that are simply too good to be true? My dad always said that “It is the Father that finds the husband for his daughter”. Do you agree?
My parents celebrated their 31st anniversary on Tuesday, Dec 2 that is also my dad’s birthday (my mom always jokes that he purposely chosen this day because of his short memory). My dad hardly works on his birthday because he will go to Bukit Timah Hill asking the monkeys why he was brought into this world. Also, this is the day he does his reflection of – what he has achieved in the last 11 months of the year? what new skills he learned? He always tells us that if by the month of December, you do not learn any new skill then you have wasted the whole year! He added that work performance given and if you have failed, it is your boss’ fault. But, if you didn’t learn a new skill; it is your own fault. There are many people who are doing the same old skills repeatedly and claimed that they have 10 years of experiences. My dad will usually rebutted that they simply have only one year of skill-set multiply by 10 times.
Since Bukit Timah Hill will be closed for 2 years restoration, he decided to do out of the norm together with my mom in embarking on a two weeks of holidaying with my husband and I. We are in the last leg of Bali-Indonesia, Bangkok-Thailand and now presently enjoying in Hong Kong!
Looking at my parents’ 31 years of marriage and after being married myself (June 1st 2014), I have came to realize that their relationship is built on different layers of rock by rock in rarity and exceptional sacrifices.
They share decades of inside jokes and tease each other. Dad still teases mom over a chicken backside that he gave her to eat during a trip in Malaysia that eventually courting her into marriage, 31 years ago! Not forgetting that my Dad is always fiercely protective towards my mom. If any other family members of my dad bad-mouthing mom, Dad will be defencing her at all costs. He never allows us to talk back to our mom. During our younger days, when we are rude to mom, he will thundered his no-nonsense voice and made us to face the wall until we realized our mistakes.
It is a good thing that my dad decided to retire from his full time job to travel a bit more with his wife. He told us that it is payback time for her hard labor of keeping us and our home in order. After dad retirement, they found a way to keep their relationship both comfortable and surprising by combining a warm familiarity with the willingness to try new things together by letting go of the old. Often travelling to Dad’s Setia office in JB and teach each other new things in dad’s new teaching Qualiprenuer programmes.
It is a good thing that my dad decided to retire from his full time job to travel a bit more with his wife. He told us that it is payback time for her hard labor of keeping us and our home in order. After dad retirement, they found a way to keep their relationship both comfortable and surprising by combining a warm familiarity with the willingness to try new things together by letting go of the old. Often travelling to Dad’s Setia office in JB and teach each other new things in dad’s new teaching Qualiprenuer programmes.
Never think that our parents are a single decision making entity when comes to meting punishment. Both my parents, never play one parent against the other. They always make decision collectively and even in having to occasionally quarrel or getting into each other nerves (usually at this point either my mom or dad will walk away to cool off), they will always try their best to work it out quickly and never let it spills into other interactions.
After my own marriage, I asked my mom how they managed to keep our family intact. She responded – “Mutual Trust, Commitment as well as Give and Take Attitude”. Her philosophy – Always (F)ollow his dreams, (S)upport him silently from behind and (Y)ounqiuely cooks him ‘shiok’ dinners awaiting for him to comes home safely from work greeting him with a smile and he will gives me all his money! Our dad hardly ever goes to the bank and ATM for money or using his credit cards without first checking with mom. She gives him $2 a day for his meals/expenses allowance (minus out dinners and weekends meals as mom usually cooks)…poor dad!
I can understand all those fairy tales on building relationships are rare, maybe only a few that you can find in Disney World. I will have to compare my own stubbornness, less perfect relationship with that of my parents’ wondering how they have managed to be so accepting and welcoming of each other.
Well, they have practiced it for the last 31 years and my dad teaches us that only correct practices make lives better. I have 30 years to perfect my dad’s model… who knows? Only time will tell. Will my dad be here to witness it??? I hope so!!! He will be 89 years old by then.
Well, they have practiced it for the last 31 years and my dad teaches us that only correct practices make lives better. I have 30 years to perfect my dad’s model… who knows? Only time will tell. Will my dad be here to witness it??? I hope so!!! He will be 89 years old by then.
My mom & dad are Rocks! We, as their children are forever thankful that our family are built on a solid rock foundation of unconditional Love.
BTW, my dad is launching his new teaching next year “Make Money & Love Safety & Quality”. My dad’s teachings is always about “LOVE” that is Listening, Observe, Verbalize and Engage…dad says “no more work, no more career, Teach! It is his calling” not for free though but, for a fee of $5,665 to living a comfortable retirement life.
I believe that when your dad and mom care deeply, Listening, Observe, Verbalize and Engage (LOVE) for each other then their children will grow up in an environment that is full of LOVE…
Happy Anniversary to mom and dad especially to dad, a Quality Holiday Birthday too!!! Your relationship remind me that LOVE is built on different layers of rocks year after year and it can works because your teachings work – Quality Work; Quality Life will be in our hearts…and… yes, we know! – A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
From Cheryl (eldest daughter) Just married with a new life, new being, learning tricks and treats from dad endlessly.
Sharing is Good; Sharing is Caring
Every time you pass this Friday Sharing w/You along to a friend or colleague, you make the world a better world! – Copy, Paste & Send
My Eldest Daughter Story
Friday, August 30, 2013
My dad a naughty kid and 4 advices
My dad used to be a naughty kid. He disliked studies, always loves to play marbles and has fun. In fact, he is not bad in his studies in the later part of his life. He realizes that he needs to upgrade on his knowledge as well as to brush up on his English Language, he went back to school attending evening classes for 20 years with 5 years in British Council to improve on his English. Someone said you need 10,000 hours to master on a skill. I think my dad passes all the marks as he does not need a MBA, but he has a PhD mindset for Passion, hungry and Discipline. Lady Luck has always been on my dad’s side.
It is an amazing achievement for someone who quits formal studies at age 14. My dad told me that his mother passed away at that time. Being the youngest and very close to his mother, he is demoralised with life then quit schooling totally. Hanging in the streets made my dad to become a street smart boy. He acquired his skills the old-fashioned way, starting from the bottom rung of the ladder slogging tirelessly and grabbing any opportunities that comes his way.
He is very happy with his life right now. A wonderful & supportive wife with 3 lovely kids living in a House Done Bloodly expensive but comparing with other countries, it is okay to have a small nest in the mid air on the 13th floor. He has been working very hard to be where he is and retired from the Corporate Jungle to has his own teaching business in a quiet place in JB to do a little teaching here and there to keep his brain working. He advise that we need to nudge the box above our neck a little bit. It is the only tool that if not in use will go rusty eventually.
My dad is a FSY – a Facilitator, Story teller & Younqiuely fun person who has many Inspiring, Influencing and Interesting (3Is) stories to share although he repeated many of his stories again and again, we never feel bore because of the 3Is.
I would like to share 4 advices he gave us.
First advice is when in doubt, always ask. By asking you will have 5 answers but he only wants to share 3 – that is Yes, No or Maybe keeping the other 2 for us to guess and learn from ourselves because he believes learning must come from within. Today, many people live in a short-fuse life. Their food are fast, frozen dried and microwavable. They google and read 140 text instead of books or hands-on experiences and want answers NOW. He said adults attending his workshop want the how-to, easy-to-use steps, they want no pain but only gain.
The 2nd advice is don’t waste people money. When you work for people don’t waste people/company money. A dollar saved is a dollar earned for the company. Do things right the 2nd time every time. He explains people never do things right the first time that is why many companies get high scraps and reworks in both offices and manufacturing environment. If you measure in term of sales, it is going to be about 15-25% or about $1 million dollars going to be wasted. That is a lot of money that can be saved and use for FUN budgets. Dad said, if company willing to give him 5% to 10% of the savings when they engage him to halves their Scraps and Reworks in their organization then my dad will be a millionaire again!
The 3rd advice - on the personal side, my dad loves to use acronyms of “CPF“. Since Singapore Central Provident Fund (CPF) is doing such a good job for Singaporeans, why not use the same framework of C-P-F on ourselves?
Commit fund – This fund he gives to my mom and cannot be touched even on raining day.
Progressive Fund – Money in the bank is dead money, so invest a bit to let it grows.
Fuck-it Fund – Sounds naughty? Don’t kid yourself, if you live and breathe in the Corporate jungle beside OMG (Oh My God!) this F**K word is a common language. Remember, life is never going to be always good on your side. When you hit the cross-road of heading nowhere, this Fuck-it fund might not be big but at least my dad can “fuck-it and retire and doing less with less”. He told us many people yet to get on the wave of his new teaching methods. Many “sotong” managers and leaders still want to do more with less. Do you know getting the burn-outs in the working environment of doing more with less? My take is on the “sotong” managers and leaders. There are studies on burn-out of leaders. Just Google.
The 4th advice my dad wants to share is that of the 4 legged stool. Most people always want to have more Power and more Money but forgetting the other 2 legs that stabilize the stool. The other 2 legs are Love and Fun. To learn more about the other 2 legs that enable you and your organization to achieve Quality Work, Quality Life is to buy his 3rd workshop book @ Sin$39.90. Drop him a line at daniel@qualipreneur.com. He is half-way through his 3rd workshop book.
The DYSF-unctions - Drive Your Self Forward. If you saved 50 cents a day starting today, you can purchase it in November @Sin$39.90. It is not a self-help book but more of a workbook, that is why dad called it a Workshop Book as our lives are always in the workshop and in progress. The day when they assembled us, it is the day we return to the source where we came from.
By the way if you need to Ignite Fun @Work, my dad charges only Sin$5,665 for a 2 days workshop for 20 pax. Do you know how my dad get this pricing of $5,665? He learnt it from Starbucks. Just imagine by selling coffee and their revenues are bigger than the 3 biggest oil and gas equipment manufacturers combined revenues. So sad if you are an Engineer in the oil and gas industries, right? You should be inventing coffee and make ton of money. That is why I prefer to be a Nurse. My dad always teaches sharing is caring, that is why I am following my dad’s footsteps of caring which is a calling from God.
If you like my dad’s stories and care for your colleagues, friends and families, feel free to forward to them or engage my dad for his storytelling workshops.
From his elder daughter: Cheryl Foo
My 2nd Daughter Story
Friday, October 25, 2013
My dad never likes the word “slowly”. In his Quality Improvement Process workshop as he preaches “Speed Wins and Speeding Kills” and he always has this favourite Words of Wisdom his ‘FSY’ – reminding us that when we are at the wheel – be Focus, be Steady & You will reach point ‘B’ happily.
Why Speed wins? In my dad’s workshop which I have attended and assisted a few times, he told participants that there are many wastes in the workplaces and environment. The number one waste is the transportation and movement (T&M). Any T&M from point A to point B are wastes and has no added values to the end products or results so it is important to either shortens both T&M activities or speeds it up.
Back to my dad, besides keeping the house clean (Good Housekeeping is another of his favourite subject when he teaches working safely in the workplace), he can be an impromptu cook with only one dish. During our younger days when our mom was hospitalized for a week, we realized that our dinner for that whole week is fried rice so much so that we never look forward to dinner! But dad is dad, does it matter if his fried rice were overcooked or didn’t smell good? It does not matters so long as we were able to laugh at the things that went wrong and those were the good old days. Fast forward…after 20+ years today my dad’s fried rice has improved with years of practice. Now he can ensures that each grain of the rice is coated with eggs and the fried rice is golden in colour. I believe this dish can be values at $15 dollar a plate…any takers? Someone said it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill and my dad really did it. He is one guy that keeps on learning, doing the abnormal things, mastering some things and break the rules. Nothing is normal or ‘new-normal’ to my dad.
I am Clarissa, the Middle child of Daniel Foo.
It is good that my elder sibling started the ball rolling of sharing my dad’s stories then my cheekier younger sibling decided to inputs his share. So, what’s next? The so-called middle a.k.a. rebellious child die, die also must shares one or two stories about her dad too!!!
You already read two good quality stories from both my siblings about our dad. If you have not read it, please go ahead to read the postings dated August 30 (Cheryl) and September 13 (Desmond).
My dad said I should write something, so here is my short story version of my dad who I have learnt to cherish and admire for the last 27 years.
When we were young, my dad is a very family oriented and hands-on man. He helped my mom around the house doing chores like washed the dishes, changed our nappies etc. During weekends, he sent us to our grandma’s house so that he can totally cleans up the whole house as well as has some peace to do his self-studies. If you have known my dad, he started as a Machinist in the production line and grew to become a Regional Manager in a MNC till he retired from the Corporate Jungle two years back. Most people said my dad is lucky but the hidden hardwork that he has puts in on his unexpected journey is hardly known. My dad keeps on improving himself by studying for 20+ years and eventually got his BBA. That’s not the end of this learning journey, today he is still learning…maybe who knows a Master Degree certification with his name is awaiting.
Till today as a semi-retiree, he still does some of these household things mopping the floor and washing the toilets are still my dad’s favourite chores. We greatly appreciated my dad’s thoughtfulness and I hope one day, we as his children will not be too lazy picking up all these chores that my dad is still doing in order to give him a good quality break.
The difference between my mom and dad is that she is rather rigid and always worries about our upbringings and safety.
My dad, on the other hand is more willing to let go and treat us as friends. We started drinking a bit of wine and beer at home during most of the Chinese festive celebrations. My dad allows us to be drunk at home rather than doing it outside. To my mum, dad tends to creates jokes and stories that are serious into insignificant and ordinary incidents and mom will scolds him for not seeing the severity of these incidents. When we drive our dad’s car, mom will always reminds us to drive slowly and safely.
My dad, on the other hand is more willing to let go and treat us as friends. We started drinking a bit of wine and beer at home during most of the Chinese festive celebrations. My dad allows us to be drunk at home rather than doing it outside. To my mum, dad tends to creates jokes and stories that are serious into insignificant and ordinary incidents and mom will scolds him for not seeing the severity of these incidents. When we drive our dad’s car, mom will always reminds us to drive slowly and safely.
My dad never likes the word “slowly”. In his Quality Improvement Process workshop as he preaches “Speed Wins and Speeding Kills” and he always has this favourite Words of Wisdom his ‘FSY’ – reminding us that when we are at the wheel – be Focus, be Steady & You will reach point ‘B’ happily.
Why Speed wins? In my dad’s workshop which I have attended and assisted a few times, he told participants that there are many wastes in the workplaces and environment. The number one waste is the transportation and movement (T&M). Any T&M from point A to point B are wastes and has no added values to the end products or results so it is important to either shortens both T&M activities or speeds it up.
He further explained that is why every countries have to put the infrastructure right – the roads, the air, the sea and the communications (internet). Nowadays, every T&M is getting faster and faster, a good example is the bullet trains reaching a speed of 500km. Speed wins! Look at ourselves, today the broadband provides instant connectivity in nano-second to our smart phones. What will happens should there be loss of connectivity due to a fire at your telco exchange building? We are at lost when our smart phones do not work. Another speed wins is the Singapore road pricing system, ERP (Every Road Pay) that deducted your toll fees in nano-seconds as you drive past the gantry. We are all talking about speed. The pop culture of today is speed nothing matters. In the far future, the whole Asia will be linked with bullet trains. The short future will be from Singapore to KL in 90 minutes compare to 3 hours by car at a speed of 180km.
Back to my dad, besides keeping the house clean (Good Housekeeping is another of his favourite subject when he teaches working safely in the workplace), he can be an impromptu cook with only one dish. During our younger days when our mom was hospitalized for a week, we realized that our dinner for that whole week is fried rice so much so that we never look forward to dinner! But dad is dad, does it matter if his fried rice were overcooked or didn’t smell good? It does not matters so long as we were able to laugh at the things that went wrong and those were the good old days. Fast forward…after 20+ years today my dad’s fried rice has improved with years of practice. Now he can ensures that each grain of the rice is coated with eggs and the fried rice is golden in colour. I believe this dish can be values at $15 dollar a plate…any takers? Someone said it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill and my dad really did it. He is one guy that keeps on learning, doing the abnormal things, mastering some things and break the rules. Nothing is normal or ‘new-normal’ to my dad.
I hope you enjoy my story.
We are thankful for my dad’s invaluable contributions and feel that we could not have asked for a better dad, who loves my mom and cherishes us, understands each attributes and personalities and occasionally coaches us and telling us many of his boring insightful stories, but we loved his repeated stories. My dad is THE best story teller, learn from him. In fact, he is the one that spoils us the most!
Enjoy and have a good weekend ahead
Clarissa Foo
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