Friday, 27 January 2017

Friday Sharing w/You, 2017 January 27 (Week #04)

Hello Friday Friends, 朋友, Kawan, Dost & PengYiu,

Quick Quotable
To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. - Buddha

Question for Reflection
When was the last time I was a beginner at something?

One Word Practice:

Today Sharing:

Good, Best, Better.

Your grandfather, Grandmother, and even your teacher, mentor or coach teach you to be Good, Better, & Best. This old saying has to be thrown out of the window because:
Good is not good at all,
Better is not that much better at all,
and Best is not the best either.
You need to rephrase it to
When you are good at something and don’t move your butt, you become complacent. Complacency kills. You need to leap frog from good to be the best you can be. When you are at your best and rest on your laurels, it means you are satisfied with your achievements, and stop making an effort to do anything else. Your competitor or even your colleagues in the next cubicle will "kill" you. Once you are at your best you need to look for room to further improve your  IQ, EQ, CQ MQ, SQ AQ and many more other QSkills set. Your (F)Future (S)Skill Set starts with (Y)You today.

You have done your leap frog from Good to Best.  Don’t look for buzz words like “Work-Life” balance, or “Think Smart”. Also, you may notice that the current buzz word going around “SMART”. All this are overly-used words and phrases which at the end of the day will create lazy and complacent people. A good example: One National airline is losing its spark, not against one but two airlines from the same Middle East Region. I was watching it quite closely because I used to travel to the Middle East yearly.  In fact, I see Dubai turn from a sleeping desert to the tallest skyscraper and many interesting architectural buildings. I always asked this question every year when I was there, "Does the guy sitting on that tower crane on the construction site building the tallest skyscraper have the best job?"
To me, I think yes. He had the best view of Middle East level by level up, up to the sky and not forgetting with the strong wind blowing and the swaying of the crane to make his work more interesting. I was told he normally bring a bag of tea up and later bring a different tea down !! By the way, the best time to visit the Middle East is the winter time, where you feel hot and ‘cool’ on the same day. Up till today, I am  fascinated at how the hot air gets so cool in a short few hours when day turns to night. If you visit the Middle East, don't forget to do the 4x4 drive in the desert which is a quality experience of a lifetime. Oops! The Bali dancing in the desert after the dinner make your evening awesome. Now you can camp overnight. Scorpions do fly in the desert. It will be good if you got a chance to do the Desert Survive Training.

Work-life balance hardly happens, everyone only has 24 hours in a day, putting aside sleeping and shitting, how you spend the rest of the hours is where you need to improve your QSkills set by 1%. If you able to do it you will be (F)Free, (S)Stronger and (Y)Youniquely  heading where your Unexpected Quality Journey will lead you. Quality Work; Quality Life will prevail.

There are so many “How-to”s in the world to the Unexpected Quality Journey to achieve Quality Work; Quality Life. You just need to Google. But FSY simple “how-to” is not in Google yet, just here sharing it with you.

You spent the first 30 years of your work life on “Quality Work” (F) First (S) Stop (Y)Your grumbling that you don’t have work-life balance, just work, work and work, WowLah !!! 30 years passed. You should be around 55-60, and got the feeling that Quality life is coming. I guarantee that the next 30 years you will have quality Life. Bear in mind that our current lifespan is around 80 years and women live to 85 years. You should know why women live 5 more years than men. I hope you don’t need me to explain this simple theory. To learn more about the Unexpected Quality Journey (UQJ) to achieve Quality Work; Quality Life You just need to engage FSY Qualipreneur not for free, but rather at a fee of $5665 and above to build up my retirement fund for Quality Life.

Always Better than the Best…. That’s FSY Qaulipreneur motto.

Thank for reading
I write for myself & for my grandchildren but if the story helps you, share it around. As always, thank you & (F)Friday (S)See (Y)You…... here again.

谢谢; Thanks;
感恩 (Ganen) Grateful
With Gratitude

感恩Today, Joyful Tomorrow... fsy

It’s no secret that 感恩 leads to more gratitude.

Please join me in advocating:

Make Money & Love Safety

赚钱第一; 安全在我心! & 明天一定会更好!加油哦

Jana Wang, Cinta Keselamatan

Until We Meet Here Next Friday... Be FSY (F)Friendly (S)Strong & (Y)Youthful.

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My FSY’s sharing is unscientifically and some are contributed by wife & children, friends, acquaintances. I write and share things that matter to me. I understand that everyone have their own opinions, views, & thoughts. There are no right or wrong answers. Nothing is true or untrue, most facts and data can be twisted to your favour.

To the authors, contributors and original sources, my thanks and where appropriate my apologies if I forget to quote your names.  If I took a page from your generous sharing and tweaked it into something else, something I hope will spread and the whole purpose is for sharing and sharing is caring.

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