Friday, 24 February 2017

Friday Sharing w/You - 2017 February 24 (Week #08)

2017 FSY Week 008 - Reinvigorate

Hello Friday Friends, 朋友, Kawan, Dost & PengYiu,

Quick Quotable
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. – Buddha

Question for Reflection
 What are the 3 key experiences that have impacted my leadership and what did I learn from these 3 experiences?   

One-Word Practice
Resolutions Don’t Work But One Word Practice Does:
This week, that word is:

Today Sharing:
Someone told me that Life has no meaning. 

FSY response:

FSY believe that the only meaning in life is to make money and love safety, and that includes whatever meaning you bring into your life.

Continue reading my Friday sharing posting...


I used to teach "BBS". These 3 letters stand for (B)behavioral (B)Based (S)Safety, and last week during my usual coffee break discussion one of my Malaysian friends in Johor told me that in Bahasa Melayu BBS stand for (B)Boleh (B)Bodoh & (S)Sotong.  Wow, Wow, Wow... those 3 boring letters words suddenly become intriguing in another country, in another culture. As I sipped my coffee, my brain cells ignited and I told my friends that they were right in a sense.

In the workplace, if you work safely, you (B)Boleh (meaning Can) and once you work unsafely, you become (B)Bodoh (meaning Silly). When you make money and NOT love safety, that gets you injured and you become a (S)Sotong (meaning Humdrum) worker.

We too are Boleh but most of the time B+BS

Thank for reading
I write for myself & for my grandchildren but if the story helps you share it around. As always, thank you & (F)Friday (S)See (Y)You…... here again.
Thank for reading
I write for myself & for my grandchildren but if the story helps you share it around. As always, thank you & (F)Friday (S)See (Y)You…... here again.

谢谢; Thanks;
感恩 (Ganen) Grateful
With Gratitude

感恩Today, Joyful Tomorrow... fsy

It’s no secret that 感恩 leads to more gratitude.

Please join me in advocating:

Make Money & Love Safety

赚钱第一安全在我心! & 明天一定会更好!加油哦

Jana Wang, Cinta Keselamatan

Until We Meet Here Next Friday... Be FSY (F)Friendly (S)Strong & (Y)Youthful.

Click to continue reading…


My FSY’s sharing is unscientifically and some are contributed by wife & children, friends, acquaintances. I write and share things that matter to me. I understand that everyone has their own opinions, views, & thoughts. There are no right or wrong answers. Nothing is true or untrue, most facts and data can be twisted to your favour.

To the authors, contributors and original sources, my thanks and where appropriate my apologies if I forget to quote your names.  If I took a page from your generous sharing and tweaked it into something else, something I hope will spread and the whole purpose is for sharing and sharing is caring.

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