Friday, 14 April 2017

Friday Sharing W/You - 2017 April 14 (Week #15)

2017 FSY Week 015- Restructing
Hello Friday Friends, 朋友, Kawan, Dost & PengYiu,

Quick Quotable
Quotes are told in a few words that impact to our soul. Quotes are not meant to be read lightly. Quotes can change your life only when you choose to be deliberate when you read & think it deeply about them.

This week Quote is:
No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again ~~ Buddha

Question for Reflection
How can I tell a story that will capture what I want to convey? 

One-Word Practice
Resolutions Don’t Work But One Word Practice Does:
This week, that word is:

Today Sharing:

Quality Certainty 

Here are a few principles I live by in my own Quality Certainty practice. I loved them and I thought I should share.

If you can’t read well, you can’t do Quality Work well.

The most important thing you have to do to achieve Quality Work Certainty is be able to read the work processes well. Quality work is the best teacher, so just immerse yourself in it.

There is no Quality Work Certainty unless the Work processes are repeatedly done over, again and again, with truth and consistent work.

When I work with new people, I often tell them to expect the first day work to be full of shit with a few gems hidden in there somewhere. It takes time, patience, and a whole lot of repetitive work on the first day. It also takes the courage to take notes down on paper without initial judgment or concern. Just do it, and let yourself feel the process. Don’t let your judgment or your cognitive bias affect you in the first place. Trust and believe yourself, that you can continue to get better with time and practice.

Quality Certainty goals are not complex work processes and simple ideas, rather, simple work processes and complex ideas. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. Work procedures do not need to be complicated, confusing, or full of jargons. To me, Work procedures are processes for building understanding for yourself, and others. For myself, I often take notes, explore ideas, and re-work the work processes on a piece of paper just to tango with an idea until it makes sense in my mind. If I can’t explain it to people, then I’m not well-versed enough in the concept.

Quality Certainty is first a tool for internal understanding and communicating well externally. Often, much of my Quality Certainty stories are just about my thoughts, ideas, and explorations before I share with anyone else. 

Your output is just as important as your input. Getting to a clear, simple point is not straightforward. Often, I have to work through a few days just to get a simple idea hammered into that “thing” above my head. It’s part of the process.

Have you heard or read about? : ‘The 1 Percent Rule’ or the ‘80/20 Pareto Principle’  And you may also have been bombarded by the “win-win” strategies.

I hardly ever believe there is a win-win situation; most of the time you either lose-lose, win-lose or lose-win.  I strongly believe in the Winner-Takes-It-All strategy.

Lately, I am looking at a few companies to renovate my new apartment and they have to pitch to me, their potential client, but only one of them will win my project. The renovation contractors only need to be 1 percent better than their competition to secure all of the reward. Or, perhaps you are applying for a new job every candidates submitted their resumes, but you are the only 1 percent better than the rest because you submit a eulogy rather than the same old, same old resume that caught the interviewer's eyes, and being just 1 percent better than other candidates earns you that job.

To be Quality Certain, small differences in performance can lead to very unequal distributions when repeated over time. The 1 Percent Rule and the 80/20 Pareto Principle applies here. The people and organizations that can do the right things right every time with truth and consistency are more likely to be the Winner-Takes-It-All rewards over time.

So, my question: What are your Quality work, Quality life dreams, and goals? Are you adapting and growing with your current work? 

If you apply the 1 Percent Rule together with the 80/20 Pareto Principle you are much better in your respective fields and industries. The process of accumulative the 1 percent is the hidden strategy that drives the 80/20 Rule that drive Quality Work; Quality life.

Start today, by improving 1 percent every day, and if you are able to maintain and repeat this overtime, Quality life will prevail, probably at age 60. 60 are now the new normal middle age, it used to be 40.

Thank for reading
I write for myself & for my grandchildren but if the story helps you, share it around. As always, thank you & (F)Friday (S)See (Y)You…... here again.

谢谢; Thanks;
感恩 (Ganen) Grateful
With Gratitude

感恩Today, Joyful Tomorrow... fsy

It’s no secret that 感恩 leads to more gratitude.

Please join me in advocating:

Make Money & Love Safety

赚钱第一安全在我心! & 明天一定会更好!加油哦

Jana Wang, Cinta Keselamatan

Until We Meet Here Next Friday... Be FSY (F)Friendly (S)Strong & (Y)Youthful.

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My FSY’s sharing is unscientifically and some are contributed by wife & children, friends, acquaintances. I write and share things that matter to me. I understand that everyone has their own opinions, views, & thoughts. There are no right or wrong answers. Nothing is true or untrue, most facts and data can be twisted to your favour.

To the authors, contributors and original sources, my thanks and where appropriate my apologies if I forget to quote your names.  If I took a page from your generous sharing and tweaked it into something else, something I hope will spread and the whole purpose is for sharing and sharing is caring.

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