Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Ocean's 8 - What knowledge’s will you take home after watching the movie?

The movie Ocean’s 8 
The plan  is priceless

Watch the trailer here if... 

The movie Ocean’s 8 
The plan  is priceless

What knowledge’s will you take home after watching the movie?

Watch the trailer here if...

Do women make better thieves? maybe

Here are something I took home after watching the movie which I will use the "3-2-1" learning retaining framework to share with you my 6 pointers

I teach the "3-2-1" learning retaining framework in my workshops and I always have the "3-2-1" learning retaining framework with me wherever I go, traveling, attending seminars and even watching a movie. It is a good way to test the topic in the real world to get feedback and maybe tweak it for the next workshop to make sure the teaching is useful,  relevant & applicable in any situation. 

What's 3-2-1:
3 interesting things you learn from the workshop (here is the movie)

2 useful ideas you learn from the workshop

1 idea you can implement after returning to your workplace.

Here are something I took home after watching the movie

3 of the 3-2-1

3.1. Encourage young girls to be the crime

3.2. You don’t need to Shoplifting, take the items and go to customer service counter and complain and if they cannot exchange a new one you just happily take the items home, oops! don't forget to ask the customer service for a bag to carry it out too.

3.3. Women are (F)Focus, (S)Smart (Y*)Youniquely sexy for the crime. (Bonus: I did mention that the word "WOmen" has 2 more letters before men, that is "Wisdom Over-men")

2 of the 3-2-1

2.1. You can lie into people face - Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock) she lied through her teeth that she wanted to have a simple life but she didn’t want the simple life.

2.2. She planned the robbery for 5 years, 8 months, and 12 days. (your 4Ds number 5812)  "Thieves got time, you don’t have."....that's FSY...tweetable.

1 of the 3-2-1 

1.1 You have to have a quality team. (She has 7 strong women). Put them onto a Quality bus, the correct seat and inspire them to the end. I implemented  this very well during my tenure as a Regional TQM & HSE Manager in my ex-company

On the above point do you know what you are good at? If you put a quality team together & you know what you are good at. You don’t have to do anything, your job is just to inspire them to the end… You just play and be paid. 

Bonus Point - The Quality bus on the Unexpected Quality Journey is not the moment that you have arrived, (Quality Life) is the processes (Quality Work), just like in the movie, you get there by being committed to the journey. 

Quality Work; Quality Life. The Unexpected Quality Journey   ......A Wild Man (FSY) Unexpected Quality Journey 一个野人出乎意料质量的旅程 ....Yi Ge Ye Ren Chu Hu Yi Liao Zhi Liang De Li Cheng 

An Awesome movie, a great story worth watching & learning

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